Changing Direction
So as I started down the Godot learning path, I started to realize that while a great alternative to the likes of Unity and Unreal, it's just not for me.
What do I mean by that..... I sat down and took a hard look at what I'm actually trying to get out of this path.
1. I'm not looking to quit my day job to make games. I love my day job. I'm not trying to make a zillion dollars making games. I'm doing this for the pure enjoyment of learning something new and showing my kids what's possible and giving them something fun to play around with.
2. When I started down the Godot path, it looked like a great alternative.... And it is. The problem I had with it was support. Sure there are assistance options available through Reddit, Facebook groups, and other places, it just wasn't as plentiful as Unity. There are just more resources available for Unity.
The blog I created is a learning adventure for me. Learning where I fail is just as important as learning where I thrive. The problem I had with Unity is C#, its too much like Java and I really hate Java. The thing is, I don't really have to know how to be a complete C# developer. I just need to learn enough about C# so I can effectively use it within Unity. So as the world turns, so does my direction for learning.