Unity is Massive
Ok, so finishing chapter 6 in the book, which is an intro to Unity, I now realize how big Unity's engine actually is. I created a few materials, one to change the floor to a blue color and one to change what the books calls a health pill to a red color. I learned how to make a prefab element, something that I can use over and over again without having to recreate the object. How lighting affects the scene in the game and the different types of lighting. The chapter finished on animation. My health pill is now red and it rotates a full 360* on its Z axis. The book had us go through rotation in two different ways. The first was using C# code:
public class ItemRotation : MonoBehaviour
// Start is called before the first frame update
public int RotationSpeed = 100;
Transform ItemTransform;
void Start()
ItemTransform = this.GetComponent<Transform>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
ItemTransform.Rotate(RotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);
And the final way was to use an animator action on the Health Pill game object.

Alright, moving on to chapter 7 now. Movement, Camera Controls, and Collisions. Wish me luck.